Rose, Adrie: Rupture

Rose, Adrie: Rupture

Regular price $12.00 Sale

Gold Line Press, paperback

Publication Date: January 9, 2024

Publisher Marketing: RUPTURE is a haunting, tender, and sensual debut chapbook. Exploring both the before and after of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy (in which a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube and splits it open, causing life-threatening internal bleeding) the poems in RUPTURE are lyrical, darkly funny, and determined in their examination of both desire and loss. This book confronts the body's loves and their costs, asking "Who chooses / what survives, and why? / July brings back / roses everywhere / as if we were celebrating." Set in a landscape lushly alive with wild plants and changing seasons, these poems enter the daily devotions of caregiving and endurance.

"RUPTURE is a study of longing--how it settles in the body and breath of a mother, how it wrecks and reconciles her future. Adrie Rose's poetry is marked by 'ordinary grief, ' a presence felt in the tender moments of survival, a ghost severed by the intricate heartache of 'all that has not become.' In RUPTURE, we tend to the dailiness of living, all the while pressed to the pulse of absence--remarkably, in its echoes, we hear a vital and brilliant love."--Courtney Faye Taylor, author of Concentrate