Sax, Sam: Madness

Sax, Sam: Madness

Regular price $18.00 Sale

Penguin Books, 2017

Clinically framed and achingly embodied, this thrilling debut takes our bloody hand in its bloody hand and leads us through the halls of mental health institutions, treatments, and histories. I am in awe of sax’s formal dexterity, as well as his ability to hold his gaze on a moving wound. All around, the walls pulse with nightmares, pulse with questions: “what does it mean to be descendent / of something monstrous? // to still love the monster?”

—Gabrielle Bates



            high risk factors

+ inconsistent condom use;

i slip

+ sexual contact associated with substance abuse;

my arm

+ history of prior STI;

into the earth

+ anonymous sexual partner(s)

& pull out

+ multiple sexual partners ( > 1 per year);

the fat heart

+forced/coerced sexual contact;

of a deer

+ history of tattoo;

shot through

+ history of MSM;

the stomach

+ sexual contact with known positive HIV partner(s);

by famine

+ sexual contact with known IV drug use by patient or partner(s);

& watch how

+ history of body piercing;

it still

+ history of shared razors;
