Shafer, Dayton: Homeslice: Monologues of Millennialhood

Shafer, Dayton: Homeslice: Monologues of Millennialhood

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Alternating Current Press, paperback

Publication Date: August 8, 2023

Publisher Marketing: Dayton J. Shafer's HOMESLICE is a regaling, a rhapsodizing on a singular swath of millennialhood—the '81-'85 babies, the elders. Part document, part performance, part poetry, these call-and-response nonfiction monologues address and deconstruct the turn of the millennium's most repressed issues—privilege and enabling, communal trauma, cognitive dissonance, evolving masculinity, artistic portraits, and fallen idols. Framed with the interactive rhetorical refrain: Is Your American Dream—, each monologue casts the reader as a chorus member in the meaning-making process—asking him to examine directly how the American individual can be a citizen of both society and self.